List Reviews

List reviews of any store by store domain/url.

As a partner you have access to list any reviews that a Fera store is using.

Normally this information is available via our public api (Fera.js) but that requires you to know the store's public key.

This API returns data in the same format as the public API (Fera.js) but only requires the store domain/url.

List all Reviews

This list of reviews includes all reviews for all products, plus store (business) reviews that aren't specific to a product.

Code Examples

curl --request GET \
     --url \
     --header 'Api-Key: YOUR_PARTNER_API_KEY'
# See JSON response examples above

List a Specific Product's Reviews

Code Examples

curl --request GET \
     --url \
     --header 'Api-Key: YOUR_PARTNER_API_KEY'
# See JSON response examples above

If the store does not exist in Fera then you will receive a Bad Request response (400 status code).

Last updated